How to Make Paper Snowflakes

One of the most convenient and most budget-friendly methods to decorate your home for the holidays is with paper snowflakes. A few quick snips with the ideas of your scissors is all it takes to make a whole flurry that you can utilize to decorate your tannenbaum, presents, windows, walls, and beyond.

Start with a square piece of paper– then follow our detailed tutorial on how to fold, cut, and develop a six-pointed snowflake. When selecting paper, bear in mind that lightweight paper (wrapping paper, tissue paper, or crepe paper) is simple to cut however more delicate for embellishing. Medium to heavy-weight paper (butcher paper, card stock, or text-weight poster paper) is harder to cut however is more strong for embellishing.
With supervision, kids can happily occupy themselves by eliminating snowflakes by the lots. Grownups can step in to assist decorate your home. Together, you can enjoy your family’s own blizzard emerge.
What You’ll Need
12″ by 12″ paper
Craft scissors
Snowflake design templates (optional).
Collect Your Paper:.
how to make paper snowflakes step one paper.
Start with a square paper.

To cut a perfect square from a basic 8-by-11-inch sheet of paper, fold paper into a right-angled triangle; cut off excess.

Fold Paper in Half:.
how to make paper snowflakes step two fold paper diagonally.
Fold paper in half diagonally to make a triangle.

Fold Paper in Half Again:.
how to make paper snowflakes step three fold triangle in half.
Fold paper triangle in half so that the pointed corners satisfy.

Fold Paper Into Thirds:.
how to make paper snowflakes step 4 fold triangle in half.
Fold paper triangle in thirds, overlapping the lefthand pointed corner over the triangle.

Overlap Pointed Corner Over Triangle:.
how to make paper snowflakes step 5 fold into thirds.
Overlap the righthand pointed corner over the triangle. (Note: You might need to adjust these folds a little to get the sides to match up, so don’t crease the paper up until the folds are just right.).

Trim Pointed Ends:.
how to make paper snowflakes step 6 cut bottom with scissors.
Trim the pointed ends so the paper triangle looks as shown.

Cut Out Snowflake:.
how to make paper snowflakes step 7 snowflakes.
Cut your folded paper with variations of cutouts. (Tip: The ones with straight lines are much easier to make than the ones with curvy lines.).

Optional: If utilizing among our downloadable templates, scale to your paper size, print, and eliminated. Essential design template to folded paper in locations to be cut out and utilize craft scissors to cut exposed parts and along all strong lines.

Unfold Snowflake:.
Unfold it gently. Do not fret if your snowflake isn’t precise: No 2 snowflakes are ever alike.

To ravel any creases from folding, gently iron one paper snowflake at a time on a low setting. You can also spritz a little spray starch to stiffen and flatten out the snowflakes.

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