How to Make Your Own Stickers

The only thing more fun than collecting stickers is developing a sticker label collection you’ve designed yourself. Doing so is easy: Choose images from covering paper or magazines and cut out along details, or punch shapes from decorative documents using a craft punch.
What You’ll Need
White vinegar
Small paint or pastry brush
Scissors or a craft punch
White Elmer’s Washable School Glue
In a bowl, mix together white Elmer’s Washable School Glue with an equal amount of white vinegar up until you have a thin, milky liquid. Utilizing a little paint brush or a pastry brush, smear the back of the paper moderately with the glue mix.

Enable it to dry, then apply a second coat, and permit it to dry once again. Next, utilize scissors or a craft punch to eliminate preferred shapes. The glue is nontoxic, it doesn’t taste really good, so for a mass sticking, utilize a dampened sponge to moisten the back of sticker labels.

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