Papier Mache Vehicles

These crafts are for kids who enjoy to make things move– mini vehicles and buses, trains and aircrafts, space rocket and UFOs. In an afternoon, you can turn cereal boxes, paper plates, and cardboard tubes into vehicles of all sorts. And you don’t require any modern materials– simply flour, strips of newspaper, glue, and paint.

Flying Objects: Googly-eyed aliens ride aboard out-of-this-world flying saucers. Suspended from clear monofilament, they speed through space passing a rocket ship from earth en route.
What You’ll Need
Small, clear plastic containers
Lightweight cardboard containers
Masking or painter’s tape
Tempera or acrylic paint
Ribbon, rickrack, sticker labels, and colored paper, for decorating
Cardboard tube
Paper plates
Small paper cups
Small alien figurines
To Make the base: Look around your home for light-weight cardboard containers the ideal sizes and shape for your base and other parts. You can manipulate the shape of each box– we opened the corners of one to make windshields. Tape boxes together to protect.

To make wheel shapes, poke holes in box with a pencil, and slide chopsticks through as a location holder; eliminated rounds from cardboard. For spinning wheels, cut straws a bit wider than car and utilize to change chopsticks; slip on cardboard wheels.

To cover with papier-machine: Make the papier-mache mixture by mixing 1 part flour with 2 parts water in a bowl, and stir till smooth.

Tear or cut newspaper into strips. Dip a piece of newspaper into the mixture; squeeze with your fingers so it isn’t drippy.

As soon as dry, paint with tempera or acrylic. Glue on any information, stickers, and other ornamental items. Attach wheels; trim chopsticks.

To make a rocket: For an irregular shape like the rocket’s, squeeze crumpled newspaper into a tapered shape, and tape in place on top of a brief cardboard tube.

Eliminate wing shapes from lightweight cardboard boxes and tape into place, then cover rocket and wings with papier-mache as directed above. Let dry overnight.

Paint rocket with tempera or acrylic, then decorate with stickers, rickrack, and other ornamental items.

To make a flying saucer: Cut a hole in the center of a paper plate, making it big enough to hold a little paper cup.

Location the paper plate with the hole and another paper plate together with their tops facing (stuff crumpled newspaper inside to support the sagging surface). Tape together and cover with papier-mache as directed above. Let dry over night.

Paint with tempera or acrylic, then decorate with sticker labels and tape. When dry, put an alien inside the cup, and tape down a pastic container (tidy fruit cups or consume covers are just the ideal size).

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